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國際種子計畫10月場第二位講者為來自法國巴黎薩克雷大學的Melissa Ann Thomas。她專精於學術寫作與科學溝通,並具備豐富的教學與研究經驗。她的課程設計注重實用性與創新性,適合學生和教師參加。

Melissa Ann Thomas from CentraleSupélec, Université Paris-Saclay, specializes in academic writing and scientific communication. With extensive experience in teaching and research, her courses emphasize practicality and innovation. Suitable for both students and teachers. 

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Session 1
【Topic】Scientific Writing and the EFL Writer
【Venue】Room 418 of the Humanities Building
*maximum number of participants:7 ; successful applicants will be notified via email   

Session 2
【Topic】The Principles of Pedagogical Proofreading and Scientific Writing: How the Academic Writing Center works with scientific writers
【Venue】Room 418 of the Humanities Building
* maximum number of participants: 20 ; successful applicants will be notified via email 

Session 3
【Topic】Feedback that Encourages Student Engagement
【Venue】Room 418 of the Humanities Building
 *maximum number of participants: 20 ; successful applicants will be notified via email   

Session 4
【Topic】The Impact of Generative AI on Educators and Students 
【Venue】Room 109 of the Humanities Building
*maximum number of participants:30; successful applicants will be notified via email   
Registration Deadline (all sessions ): Before Oct. 15(Tue.)