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【NTPU × AIT】EMI教學諮詢一系列工作坊,歡迎本校教師踴躍報名參加。


■ 主題:Transforming Pedagogy One Activity at a Time
■ 時段:10:10-11:00、11:10-12:00、14:10-15:00、15:10-16:00 

■ 主題:Enhancing Pedagogical Toolkits
■ 時段:10:10-11:00、11:10-12:00、14:10-15:00、15:10-16:00 
※  以上兩場活動時間都無法參與,但有意願參與後續的教學諮詢工作坊者,亦可先報名,後續將另安排活動時間。
■ 講者:Ramon A. Mislang, AIT英語專家學者
■ 時長:一場為50分鐘
■ 地點:國立臺北大學人文大樓416諮詢室
■ 課前準備:參與之教師請先準備一個"不合宜的教學計畫" 或是 "成效不理想的教學計劃" ,在工作坊中討論。(※ 【EMI教學諮詢一系列工作坊】為連貫性工作坊,未能參加第一場,但報名參加第二場之教師,本辦公室將在同一週間,提供第一場的教學諮詢影片給教師作為參考。)
■ 報名連結:https://reurl.cc/Nyl9rq
■ 報名時間:即日起至當場活動的前3天  
■ 報名對象:(報名優先順序如下)
                      1. 本校參與112學年度EMI教師培訓之教師為優先。
                      2. 本校商學院EMI課程授課之教師。
                      3. 本校各學院全英語授課之教師。
                      4. 參與112學年度EMI教師培訓之校外教師。

■ 報名人數:一個時段為6~7人,額滿為止。(※ 如該時段預約人數已滿,且皆為本校參與112學年度EMI教師培訓之教師,本辦公室將提前關閉該時段之報名表,確認名單後將以Email通知成功預約者。)

※  預約成功與否,最遲將於活動前3天寄Email通知。
※  關於諮詢時間及名單,請以通知信件為主。
※  諮詢活動每個時段皆提供茶點。
※  活動若有異動,將另行通知。

聯絡人:雙語化學習辦公室 查該莉助理
信    箱:chagaili7408@gm.ntpu.edu.tw
電    話:(02)8674-1111#66951

To help teachers master EMI teaching methods and ensure best practices, NTPU BEO and Language Center, in cooperation with the American Institute in Taiwan, have facilitated the EMI teaching consulting workshops for teachers who have participated in the EMI teacher training for the 112 academic year and teachers who have offered EMI courses at the school. The series of workshops aims to strengthen EMI instructors’ teaching skills and abilities by developing self-monitoring pedagogical capacities such as course design, assessment methods, teaching strategies and skills, and teaching materials and EMI innovative teaching methods.


【First Workshop】Date: October 24, 2023
■ Theme: Transforming Pedagogy One Activity at a Time
■ Time: 10:10-11:00, 11:10-12:00, 14:10-15:00, 15:10-16:00
(Please note: The four sessions are the same. Please sign up for one session.)
【Second workshop】Date: November 22, 2023
■ Theme: Enhancing Pedagogical Toolkits
■ Time: 10:10-11:00, 11:10-12:00, 14:10-15:00, 15:10-16:00
(Please note: The four sessions are the same. Please sign up for one session.)
※ If you cannot attend the workshops in the two days but plan to join the follow-up workshops, please register and complete the survey now. We will arrange the following workshops accordingly.
■ Speaker: Ramon A. Mislang, AIT English Fellow.
■ Duration: 50 minutes.
■ Venue: Writing Consulting Room 416, Humanities Building, National Taipei University.
■ Preparation before class: Please prepare a "bad lesson plan" or "a lesson plan that didn't do so well," which will be discussed in the first workshop. (※ Each of the series of EMI Teaching Consultation workshops will build off of the previous workshop. A pre-recorded workshop video will be provided to participants who can't attend the first workshop.)
■ Registration link: https://reurl.cc/Nyl9rq
■ Registration time: From now until three days before the event.
■ Eligible participants: (※According to the following order of priority)
  1. National Taipei University faculty who participate in the EMI teacher training for the 112 (2023/24) academic year.
  2. Faculty of the College of Business at NTPU who offer the EMI courses.
  3. Faculty of National Taipei University who offer EMI courses.
  4. Teachers from other schools who participated in the 112 (2023/24) EMI teacher training.
■ Number of participants: 6 ~ 7 per session.  (※ We will close the registration form for the session once the number of applicants for the session is full and all the applicants are teachers participating in the EMI teacher training for the 112 academic year. We will notify the successful applicants by email.)
※ We will notify you via email three days before the event.
※ For consultation hours and participant list, please refer to the notification letter.
※ Refreshments will be provided at each session of the event.
※ We will notify you of any change of plan.

If you have any questions, please write/call:
Contact person: Gaili, Project Assistant, Bilingual Education Office, National Taipei University.
E-mail: chagaili7408@gm.ntpu.edu.tw
(O) 886-2-8674-1111 ext.66951