113-2學期EMI/ESAP教學助理培訓 (EMI/ESAP TA Training Program)開放報名中,歡迎EMI 教師、EMI TA或有興趣的同學報名參加~
本校雙語辦公室辦理「EMI/ESAP教學助理培訓」,傳授EMI課程/ESAP課程教學助理專業之工作技巧,以期順利協助全英語授課教師進行 (EMI) 課程,從旁引導修課學生,提升教學品質。
※ EMI課程:以全英語教授之各系所專業課程 (不含語言中心ESP/EAP/A-EGP課程) 。
※ ESAP課程:語言中心開設之銜接課程,幫助提升學生英語能力,未來順利進入EMI課程修習。
- 本學期擔任本校EMI/ESAP課程教學助理之學生或對EMI/ESAP課程教學助理有興趣之本校學生。
- 建議學習者至少具備CEFR英語能力B1之程度,以期順利進行EMI/ESAP教學助理培訓課程。
※ 參與之學生,若當天下午有課,雙語化學習辦公室將提供公假單,需要公假單之同學,請將您的姓名、系所、年級、學號寄至Email:chagaili7408@gm.ntpu.edu.tw。
二、培訓方式:實體培訓 + 線上導航測驗
(二)113-2 EMI/ESAP課程教學助理合格名單,預計於2月27日(五)公布,請關注雙語化學習辦公室網站
※ 提供午餐,此活動僅限本校師生參加。
※ 報名成功者本辦公室將寄通知信予各位老師/同學。
※ 活動內容若有變更將另行通知。
聯絡人:國立臺北大學雙語化學習辦公室 查該莉 助理
信 箱:chagaili7408@gm.ntpu.edu.tw
電 話:(2) 886-2-8674-1111 #66951
The NTPU Bilingual Education Office runs the EMI/ESAP TA Training Program to provide EMI/ESAP teaching assistants with skills to assist teachers in carrying out EMI courses smoothly and improve teaching quality.
Note: Limited openings will be provided for observation for NTPU teachers who plan to participate in the 113 (2024-2025) school year EMI teacher training or who offer EMI/ESAP courses. The event will be certified as a BEO-facilitated EMI teaching workshop.
※EMI courses: Professional courses of various departments taught in English (excluding language center ESP/EAP/A-EGP courses).
※ESAP courses: The bridging courses offered by the Language Center which help students improve their English ability and successfully adapt to the EMI course in the future.
1. Eligible Participants:
- NTPU students who serve as TA for NTPU’s EMI/ESAP courses or who are interested in the EMI/ESAP TA training program.
- English proficiency above CEFR B1 level is recommended to complete the training course successfully.
※ If participating students have classes in the afternoon, the Bilingual Education Office will provide an Official leave Certificate. If students need an official leave certificate, please email your name, department, grade, and student number to chagaili7408@gm.ntpu.edu.tw.
2. Program: In-person Training + Online Orientation Pre-test
※ Only by attending the in-person training on February 25 (Tue) and completing the online orientation pre-test will you be considered as passing the EMI/ESAP TA training.
In-person Training Information:
(1) Time: February 25, 2025 (Tue) 13:00-17:00
(2) Venue: Room 4F18, College of Humanities.
Online Orientation Pre-test Information:
(1) Online Orientation Pre-test information: The Bilingual Education Office will notify successful applicants by email.
(2) The list of qualified teaching assistants for the 113-2 EMI/ESAP courses will be announced on February 27 (Fri). Please pay attention to the Bilingual Education Office website.
3. Registration Information:
(1) Registration method: Online. Students should fill out the Google form and upload relevant certificates of English proficiency to register for this training program. Teachers who plan to participate in the observation workshop, please fill in the relevant registration information.
(2) Registration time: From now until 23:59 on February 18, 2025 (Tue)
(3) Registration link: https://reurl.cc/Q5D5Eo
- Lunch will be provided. This program is for NTPU teachers and students only.
- Successful applicants will be notified by email.
- We will notify you of any changes.
If you have any questions, please write/call:
Contact person: Gaili Cha, Assistant, Bilingual Education Office, National Taipei University
E-mail: chagaili7408@gm.ntpu.edu.tw
(02) 886-2-8674-1111 ext. 66951