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【NTPU × AIT】EMI教學諮詢結訓工作坊(EMI Teaching Consultation Final Training Workshop),歡迎師長報名參加。
【NTPU × AIT】EMI教學諮詢結訓工作坊(EMI Teaching Consultation Final Training Workshop),歡迎師長報名參加。
■ 日期:2024年5月14日(二)
■ 時段:10:10-12:00、15:10-17:00(備註:二個時段皆為相同內容與主題,請擇一時段參加即可。)
■ 講者:Ramon A. Mislang, AIT英語專家學者
■ 地點:國立臺北大學三峽校區人文大樓4F18
■ 課前準備本次工作坊旨在促進EMI教師分享實務經驗和意見交流,以進一步加強教學和評量方法。請參與之教師準備簡短的教學活動,在工作坊中分享。該分享並非是非常正式的演講,教師只要分享在工作坊1-3中的一些觀察/印象即可。分享形式不拘,您可以使用5張以內的 PPT 做簡短的分享,也可以使用1-2頁的講義或短片做分享。詳細資訊請參考:
Workshop 4 Sharing Preparation - pdf:  https://reurl.cc/OMpp0X
工作坊1-3 請參考以下相關鏈接:
2023年10月24日工作坊-1 資訊如下:
• Transforming Pedagogy One Activity at a Time PPT連結:https://reurl.cc/m0N1m7
• 課堂講義(含課後作業指引)連結:https://reurl.cc/E4prg0
• 提交padlet作業連結:https://reurl.cc/3eZ2DO
• 你知道我是誰嗎?(老師VS學生)影片連結: https://reurl.cc/QZOQzM
• 如何使用Padlet說明連結:https://reurl.cc/QZOvn9
2023年11月22日工作坊-2 資訊如下:
• Enhancing Pedagogical Toolkits PPT連結:https://reurl.cc/xLGX81
• 課堂講義連結:https://reurl.cc/4j41l2
• 活動計劃範本(課後作業)連結:https://reurl.cc/OGpAq9
• 提交padlet作業連結:https://reurl.cc/rrgXjO%20
2024年3月5日工作坊-3 資訊如下:
• Enhancing Pedagogical Perspectives through Observation PPT連結: https://reurl.cc/YE9vpD
• 觀課表連結:https://reurl.cc/Vzj1EA
• 課堂講義連結:https://reurl.cc/KepQxp
■ 報名時間:即日起至2024年5月12日(日)截止 
■ 報名連結:https://reurl.cc/lQoV6q
■ 報名對象:(報名優先順序如下)
                2. 本校商學院EMI課程授課之教師。
                3. 本校各學院全英語授課之教師。
                4. 參與112學年度EMI教師培訓之校外教師。
■ 報名人數:一個時段為16~20人,額滿為止。(※ 如該時段報名人數已滿,且皆為本校參與112學年度EMI教師培訓之教師,本辦公室將提前關閉該時段之報名表,確認名單後將以Email通知成功報名者。)

※  報名成功與否,最遲將於活動前1天寄Email通知。
※  諮詢活動每個時段皆提供茶點。
※  關於諮詢時間及名單,請以通知信件為主。
※  活動若有異動,將另行通知。

聯絡人:雙語化學習辦公室 查該莉助理
信    箱:chagaili7408@gm.ntpu.edu.tw
電    話:(02)8674-1111#66951
■ Date: May 14, 2024 (Tue)
■ Time: 10:10-12:00、15:10-17:00 (Please note: The two sessions are the same. Please sign up for one session.)
■ Speaker: Ramon A. Mislang, AIT English Language Fellow.
■ Venue: Room 4F18, Language Corner, Humanities Building, Sanxia Campus, NTPU.
Preparation before class: The workshop is designed for EMI teachers to share practical experiences and exchange ideas to enhance pedagogy and assessment further. Please share a class activity with peers in the workshop. The sharing needs not be very formal, and there are no restrictions on sharing formats. Professors can either make a simple slide presentation of less than 5 slides, make a 1-2 page handout, or share short videos if you believe it will enhance your sharing. For detailed information, please refer to: 
NTPU - Workshop 4 Prep (word): https://reurl.cc/p3WWnQ
NTPU - Workshop 4 Prep (pdf):  https://reurl.cc/OMpp0X
For workshops 1-3, please refer to the following related links:
2023/10/24 Workshop-1 related information is as follows:
• Transforming Pedagogy One Activity at a Time PPT link: https://reurl.cc/m0N1m7
• Study guide link (containing instructions for the post-workshop follow-up assignment): https://reurl.cc/E4prg0
• Submit Padlet workshop tasks link: https://reurl.cc/3eZ2DO
• Do you know who I am (teacher VS student): https://reurl.cc/QZOQzM
• How to use the Padlet instruction link: https://reurl.cc/QZOvn9
2023/11/22 Workshop-2 related information is as follows:
• Enhancing Pedagogical Toolkits PPT link: https://reurl.cc/xLGX81
• Study guide link: https://reurl.cc/4j41l2
• Activity plan template (post-workshop follow-up assignment): https://reurl.cc/OGpAq9
• Submit Padlet workshop tasks link: https://reurl.cc/rrgXjO
2024/3/5 Workshop-3 related information is as follows:
• Enhancing Pedagogical Perspectives through Observation PPT link: https://reurl.cc/YE9vpD
• Lesson observation form linkhttps://reurl.cc/Vzj1EA
• Pocket guide to probing questions link:https://reurl.cc/KepQxp
■ Registration time: From now until May 12, 2024 (Sun)
■ Registration link:https://reurl.cc/lQoV6q
■ Eligible participants: (※According to the following order of priority)
  1. National Taipei University faculty who participate in the EMI teacher training for the 112 (2023/24) academic year.
  2. Faculty of the College of Business at NTPU who offer the EMI courses.
  3. Faculty of National Taipei University who offer EMI courses.
  4. Teachers from other schools who participated in the 112 (2023/24) EMI teacher training.
■ Number of participants: 16~20 per session.  (※ We will close the registration form for the session once the number of applicants is full and all the applicants are teachers participating in the EMI teacher training for the 112 academic year. We will notify the successful applicants by email.)                                                                                               
※ We will notify you via email 1 day before the event.
※ For consultation hours and participant list, please refer to the notification letter.
※ Refreshments will be provided at each session of the event.
※ We will notify you of any change of plan.

If you have any questions, please write/call: 
Contact person: Gaili, Project Assistant, Bilingual Education Office, National Taipei University.
(O) 886-2-8674-1111 ext.66951
雙語講座 / 諮詢
112-2【NTPU x AIT】EMI教學個別諮詢服務(EMI Teaching Individual Consulting Services),歡迎教師報名預約。
112-2【NTPU x AIT】EMI教學個別諮詢服務(EMI Teaching Individual Consulting Services),歡迎教師報名預約。
為協助本校教師順利進行EMI課程教學,雙語辦公室攜語言中心邀請Ramon A. Mislang, AIT English Language Fellow特別辦理EMI教學個別諮詢服務。本次教學諮詢服務主要為參與112學年度EMI教師培訓之教師及本校開設EMI課程之教師,提供一系列的專業諮詢服務,內容包括:自我評量監控、全英語授課的課綱設計、教學評量法、教學策略與技巧、教學教材的選用,以及EMI創新教學方法等,強化本校教師的EMI教學能力。
■   諮詢日期:2024年4月16日(二)
■   開放時段:10:10~11:00、11:10~12:00、14:10~15:00、15:10~16:00、16:10~17:00
■   諮詢時長:每人50分鐘
■   每次人數:1人
■   諮詢地點:國立臺北大學人文大樓416(寫作諮詢室)
  1. 預約表單即日起開放至2024年4月12日(五)中午 12:00止,如預約人數已滿,將提前關閉報名表單。
  2. 請以填寫報名表方式進行報名,報名連結:https://reurl.cc/krA6zn
  3. 因名額有限,雙語辦公室將依報名順序安排。
  4. 預約成功與否,最遲將於活動前一天寄Email通知,請留意您的Email。
  5. 活動若有異動,將另行通知。
信    箱:chagaili7408@gm.ntpu.edu.tw
電    話:(02)8674-1111#66951
To assist EMI teachers in teaching, the Bilingual Education Office and the Language Center have invited AIT English Fellow Ramon A. Mislang to provide EMI teaching consulting services. The service offers professional consultation for teachers who participated in EMI teacher training in the 112 academic year and those who offer EMI courses in our school. The teaching consultation services cover areas including self-assessment monitoring, pedagogical capacities such as course design, assessment methods, teaching strategies and skills and teaching materials, and EMI innovative teaching methods, etc., to strengthen the EMI teaching ability of teachers in our school.
Note: This consultation will be certified as a BEO-facilitated EMI teaching workshop. Participating teachers will receive a Certificate of Participation from BEO.
■ Date: April 16, 2024 (Tue) 
■ Time: 10:10~11:00、11:10~12:00、14:10~15:00、15:10~16:00、16:10~17:00
■ Duration: 50 minutes per person 
■ Number of people per session: 1 person 
■ Venue: Room 416, Writing corner, College of Humanities, NTPU
Instructions for booking consultation:                                      
  1. The reservation form is open until 12:00 noon on 2024/4/12(Fri). Registration will be closed in advance once all the sections are full.
  2. Please register by filling out the online registration form. Registration link:https://reurl.cc/krA6zn
  3. Due to limited sessions, the Bilingual Education Office will confirm reservations on a first-come, first-served basis.
  4. If your registration is successful, we will inform you via email one day before the event at the latest. Please pay attention to your email.
  5. We will notify you of any change of plan.
If you have any questions, please write/call: 
Contact person: Gaili, Project Assistant, Bilingual Education Office, National Taipei University.
E-mail: chagaili7408@gm.ntpu.edu.tw
(O) 886-2-8674-1111 ext.66951
雙語講座 / 諮詢
112-2 英語學術論文諮詢開放預約中,歡迎學生報名預約。
112-2 英語學術論文諮詢開放預約中,歡迎學生報名預約。






5.本服務為一對一當面諮詢,諮詢時段每次50分鐘,每人每週限參加 1 個時段,每次 1 份文件。

6.諮詢內容以三頁 A4 內為限,請自行控制字數,字型大小需大於 12,請於上傳文件前,事先至自學教室(文 3F02)使用 Grammarly 進行文法檢查。


8.預約截止日期:開放預約日起至每諮詢日前3天開放填寫預約表單,預約成功者將會收到回覆信。週二下午於臺北大學校首頁、語言中心網站/Facebook 公告預約成功名單。



3 月 22 日(五):13:10-14:00、14:10-15:00、15:10-16:00、16:10-17:00

4 月 19 日(五):13:10-14:00、14:10-15:00、15:10-16:00、16:10-17:00

5 月 10 日(五):13:10-14:00、14:10-15:00、15:10-16:00、16:10-17:00

5 月 24 日(五):13:10-14:00、14:10-15:00、15:10-16:00、16:10-17:00

5 月 31 日(五):13:10-14:00、14:10-15:00、15:10-16:00、16:10-17:00

雙語講座 / 諮詢
【NTPU × AIT】EMI Teaching Consultation Workshop,歡迎師長報名參加。
【NTPU × AIT】EMI Teaching Consultation Workshop,歡迎師長報名參加。
■ 日期:2024年3月5日(二)
■ 時段:10:00-11:30、13:00-14:30(備註:二個時段皆為相同內容與主題,請擇一時段參加即可。)
■ 主題:Enhancing Pedagogical Perspectives
■ 講者:Ramon A. Mislang, AIT英語專家學者
■ 時長:一場為90分鐘
■ 地點:國立臺北大學三峽校區人文大樓4F18(English Corner)
■ 課前準備:報名之教師,請於2024年3月3日前完成2023年11月22日【NTPU × AIT】EMI教學諮詢工作坊的PPT影片及課後任務,並上傳至Padlet平台,會在工作坊中做討論。(已完成之教師請忽略此項)
■ 報名時間:即日起至2024年3月3日(日)截止 
■ 報名連結:https://reurl.cc/orq4rl
■ 報名對象:(報名優先順序如下)
                      1. 本校參與112學年度EMI教師培訓之教師為優先。
                      2. 本校商學院EMI課程授課之教師。
                      3. 本校各學院全英語授課之教師。
                      4. 參與112學年度EMI教師培訓之校外教師。
■ 報名人數:一個時段為16~20人,額滿為止。(※ 如該時段報名人數已滿,且皆為本校參與112學年度EMI教師培訓之教師,本辦公室將提前關閉該時段之報名表,確認名單後將以Email通知成功報名者。)

※  報名成功與否,最遲將於活動前1天寄Email通知。
※  諮詢活動每個時段皆提供茶點。
※  關於諮詢時間及名單,請以通知信件為主。
※  活動若有異動,將另行通知。

聯絡人:雙語化學習辦公室 查該莉助理
信   箱:chagaili7408@gm.ntpu.edu.tw
電   話:(02)8674-1111#66951
■ Date: March 5, 2024 (Tues)
■ Time: 10:00-11:30、13:00-14:30 (Please note: The two sessions are the same. Please sign up for one session.)
※※From 15:30 to 17:00 on that day, Fellows will also be available for one-on-one teaching consultation services. Teachers are welcome to make appointments.
■ Theme: Enhancing Pedagogical Perspectives
■ Speaker: Ramon A. Mislang, AIT English Fellow.
■ Duration: 90 minutes.
■ Venue: Room 4F18, Language Corner, Humanities Building, Sanxia Campus, NTPU.
■ Preparation before class: Please complete the PPT video and after-class tasks of the [NTPU × AIT] EMI Teaching Consulting Workshop on November 22, 2023 before March 3, 2024, upload it to the Padlet platform and bring it to the workshop for discussion.(Teachers who have completed this, please ignore this item.)


※※11/22 Workshop-related information is as follows:


■ Registration link:https://reurl.cc/orq4rl

■ Registration time: From now until March 3, 2024 (Sun)
■ Eligible participants: (※According to the following order of priority)
  1. National Taipei University faculty who participate in the EMI teacher training for the 112 (2023/24) academic year.
  2. Faculty of the College of Business at NTPU who offer the EMI courses.
  3. Faculty of National Taipei University who offer EMI courses.
  4. Teachers from other schools who participated in the 112 (2023/24) EMI teacher training.
■ Number of participants: 16~20 per session.  (※ We will close the registration form for the session once the number of applicants for the session is full and all the applicants are teachers participating in the EMI teacher training for the 112 academic year. We will notify the successful applicants by email.)                                                                                               
※ We will notify you via email 1 day before the event.
※ For consultation hours and participant list, please refer to the notification letter.
※ Refreshments will be provided at each session of the event.
※ We will notify you of any change of plan.

If you have any questions, please write/call: 
Contact person: Gaili, Project Assistant, Bilingual Education Office, National Taipei University.
(O) 886-2-8674-1111 ext.66951
雙語講座 / 諮詢
為協助本校教師順利進行EMI課程教學,雙語辦公室攜語言中心邀請Ramon A. Mislang, AIT English Fellow特別辦理EMI教學個別諮詢服務。本次教學諮詢服務主要為參與112學年度EMI教師培訓之教師及本校開設EMI課程之教師,提供一系列的專業諮詢服務,內容包括:自我評量監控、全英語授課的課綱設計、教學評量法、教學策略與技巧、教學教材的選用,以及EMI創新教學方法等,強化本校教師的EMI教學能力。
■   諮詢日期:2023年12月6日(三)
■   開放時段:13:00~13:20、13:30~13:50、14:10~14:30、14:40~15:00、15:10~15:30
■   諮詢時長:每人20分鐘
■   每次人數:1人
■   諮詢地點:國立臺北大學人文大樓語言中心308室
  1. 報名預約連結:https://reurl.cc/2Eq2Or
  2. 預約表單開放至112/12/5(二)中午 12:00止,如預約人數已滿,將提前關閉報名表單。
  3. 請以填寫報名表方式進行報名。
  4. 因名額有限,雙語辦公室將依報名順序安排。
  5. 預約成功與否,最遲將於活動前一天寄Email通知,請留意您的Email。
  6. 活動若有異動,將另行通知。
信    箱:chagaili7408@gm.ntpu.edu.tw
電    話:(02)8674-1111#66951
To assist EMI teachers in teaching, the Bilingual Education Office and the Language Center have invited AIT English Fellow, Ramon A. Mislang, to provide EMI teaching consulting service. The service offers professional consultation for teachers who participated in EMI teacher training in the 112 academic year and those who offer EMI courses in our school. The teaching consultation service covers areas including self-assessment monitoring, pedagogical capacities such as course design, assessment methods, teaching strategies and skills and teaching materials, and EMI innovative teaching methods, etc., to strengthen the EMI teaching ability of teachers in our school.
■ Date: December 6, 2023 (Wednesday) 
■ Time: 13:00~13:20, 13:30~13:50, 14:10~14:30, 14:40~15:00, 15:10~15:30 
■ Duration: 20 minutes per person 
■ Number of people per session: 1 person 
■ Venue: Room 308, Language Center, Humanities Building, National Taipei University
Instructions for booking consultation:                                      
  1. Registration link: https://reurl.cc/2Eq2Or
  2. The reservation form is open until 12:00 noon on 112/12/5 (Tuesday). Registration will be closed in advance once all the sections are full.
  3. Please register by filling out the online registration form.
  4. Due to limited sessions, the Bilingual Education Office will confirm reservations on a first-come, first-served basis.
  5. If your registration is successful, we will inform you via email one day before the event at the latest. Please pay attention to your email.
  6. We will notify you of any change of plan.
If you have any questions, please write/call: 
Contact person: Gaili, Project Assistant, Bilingual Education Office, National Taipei University.
E-mail: chagaili7408@gm.ntpu.edu.tw
(O) 886-2-8674-1111 ext.66951
雙語講座 / 諮詢
本校雙語辦公室與語言中心、深耕辦公室及應用外語系共同舉辦【Gap Years In American College Life】講座,歡迎本校學生踴躍參加。
本校雙語辦公室與語言中心、深耕辦公室及應用外語系共同舉辦【Gap Years In American College Life】講座,歡迎本校學生踴躍參加。

雙語辦公室與語言中心、深耕辦公室及應用外語系共同舉辦【Gap Years In American College Life】講座,邀請AIT English Fellow, Ramon A. Mislang擔任講者,歡迎各位同學踴躍參加。




講者:Ramon A. Mislang, AIT English Fellow




信    箱:
電    話:(02)8674-1111#66951



雙語講座 / 諮詢