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【NTPU × AIT】EMI Teaching Workshop (主題:Supportive Communication for Navigating Problems in EMI Classes with Mu),歡迎師長報名參加。

■ 日期:2024年10月15日(二)
■ 時段:10:00-11:30、13:30-15:00(備註:二個時段皆為相同內容與主題,請擇一時段參加即可。)
■ 主題:Supportive Communication for Navigating Problems in EMI Classes with Multi-Level Learners
■ 講者:Ramon A. Mislang, AIT英語專家學者
■ 地點:國立臺北大學三峽校區人文大樓4F18(English Corner)
■ 報名連結:https://reurl.cc/dyqRlM
■ 報名時間:即日起至2024年10月10日(四)截止 
■ 報名人數:一個時段為16~20人,額滿為止。(※如該時段報名人數已滿,本辦公室將提前關閉該時段之報名表,確認名單後將以Email通知成功報名者。)

※  報名成功與否,最遲將於活動前1天寄Email通知。
※  關於諮詢時間及名單,請以通知信件為主。
※  諮詢活動每個時段皆提供茶點。
※  活動若有異動,將另行通知。

聯絡人:雙語化學習辦公室 查該莉助理
信    箱:chagaili7408@gm.ntpu.edu.tw
電    話:(02)8674-1111#66951
■ Date: October 15, 2024 (Tues)
■ Time: 10:00-11:30、13:30-15:00 (Please note: The two sessions are the same. Please sign up for one session.)
※※From 15:20-16:00、16:20-17:00 on that day, Fellows will also be available for one-on-one teaching consultation services. Teachers are welcome to make appointments.
■ Theme: Supportive Communication for Navigating Problems in EMI Classes with Multi-Level Learners
■ Speaker: Ramon A. Mislang, AIT English Fellow.
■ Venue: Room 4F18, Language Corner, Humanities Building, Sanxia Campus, NTPU.
■ Registration link:https://reurl.cc/dyqRlM
■ Registration time: From now until October 10, 2024 (Thu)
■ Number of participants: 16~20 per session. (※If the number of applicants for that period is full, the registration form will be closed in advance, and successful applicants will be notified by email after the list is confirmed.                                                                                          
※ We will notify you via email 1 day before the event.
※ For consultation hours and participant list, please refer to the notification letter.
※ Refreshments will be provided at each session of the event.
※ We will notify you of any change of plan.

If you have any questions, please write/call: 
Contact person: Gaili, Project Assistant, Bilingual Education Office, National Taipei University.
(O) 886-2-8674-1111 ext.66951