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為協助本校教師順利進行EMI課程教學,雙語辦公室攜語言中心邀請Ramon A. Mislang, AIT English Fellow特別辦理EMI教學個別諮詢服務。本次教學諮詢服務主要為參與112學年度EMI教師培訓之教師及本校開設EMI課程之教師,提供一系列的專業諮詢服務,內容包括:自我評量監控、全英語授課的課綱設計、教學評量法、教學策略與技巧、教學教材的選用,以及EMI創新教學方法等,強化本校教師的EMI教學能力。
■   諮詢日期:2023年12月6日(三)
■   開放時段:13:00~13:20、13:30~13:50、14:10~14:30、14:40~15:00、15:10~15:30
■   諮詢時長:每人20分鐘
■   每次人數:1人
■   諮詢地點:國立臺北大學人文大樓語言中心308室
  1. 報名預約連結:https://reurl.cc/2Eq2Or
  2. 預約表單開放至112/12/5(二)中午 12:00止,如預約人數已滿,將提前關閉報名表單。
  3. 請以填寫報名表方式進行報名。
  4. 因名額有限,雙語辦公室將依報名順序安排。
  5. 預約成功與否,最遲將於活動前一天寄Email通知,請留意您的Email。
  6. 活動若有異動,將另行通知。
信    箱:chagaili7408@gm.ntpu.edu.tw
電    話:(02)8674-1111#66951
To assist EMI teachers in teaching, the Bilingual Education Office and the Language Center have invited AIT English Fellow, Ramon A. Mislang, to provide EMI teaching consulting service. The service offers professional consultation for teachers who participated in EMI teacher training in the 112 academic year and those who offer EMI courses in our school. The teaching consultation service covers areas including self-assessment monitoring, pedagogical capacities such as course design, assessment methods, teaching strategies and skills and teaching materials, and EMI innovative teaching methods, etc., to strengthen the EMI teaching ability of teachers in our school.
■ Date: December 6, 2023 (Wednesday) 
■ Time: 13:00~13:20, 13:30~13:50, 14:10~14:30, 14:40~15:00, 15:10~15:30 
■ Duration: 20 minutes per person 
■ Number of people per session: 1 person 
■ Venue: Room 308, Language Center, Humanities Building, National Taipei University
Instructions for booking consultation:                                      
  1. Registration link: https://reurl.cc/2Eq2Or
  2. The reservation form is open until 12:00 noon on 112/12/5 (Tuesday). Registration will be closed in advance once all the sections are full.
  3. Please register by filling out the online registration form.
  4. Due to limited sessions, the Bilingual Education Office will confirm reservations on a first-come, first-served basis.
  5. If your registration is successful, we will inform you via email one day before the event at the latest. Please pay attention to your email.
  6. We will notify you of any change of plan.
If you have any questions, please write/call: 
Contact person: Gaili, Project Assistant, Bilingual Education Office, National Taipei University.
E-mail: chagaili7408@gm.ntpu.edu.tw
(O) 886-2-8674-1111 ext.66951